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College Success Tip # 60 - Review Your Notes!

For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor.

Galatians 6:3-4

Higher Education Students REVIEW YOUR NOTES! I've already expressed the importance of possibly recording the class lecture and reviewing the class lecture but it is important for the College student to take leadership and ownership of their higher education career and Review the Notes.

When reviewing your notes it is more than just scanning the notes right after class and right before class, Reviewing your notes involves allocating a time to purposefully read over important information...over and over again...this is called studying.

Reviewing your notes, power points from the instructor, lecture notes, hand outs, homework assignments, tests, quizzes, midterms, exams, key terms and concepts is of extreme importance. When Higher Education students review their notes they are allowing academic progression in understanding the material and in building on previously learned terms and concepts. It is important to review your notes in a reasonable time frame because too much lapsed times will could possibly result in the Higher Education student forgetting information or not being able to build on information because information is lost.

Higher Education students are the ones in charge of their Academic Progress in the classroom. Yes.. there are situations and challenges that are influenced by others that one does not have control over but for the most part the college student is the one who has to put the work in to get the desired result out.

College students review your notes! Purposefully set a schedule and get organized in reviewing your notes and course materials. Reviewing your notes will also expose what the college student knows and what they need more guidance in, allowing for them to seek out tutoring, professor conferences and in attending study sessions.

Don't procrastinate and hesitate to review the course notes. Review is good practice for one's professional career efficiency goals.

Keep Aiming Higher Education Students!

Peace & God Bless!

Aiming Towards the Target,

Dr. Bryant

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