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College Success Tip # 44 - Academic Sacrifices

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the LORD is.

Ephesians 5:15-17

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary Sacrifice is defined as an act of something given up. We hear the word Sacrifice a lot and when one makes a sacrifice they are indeed given something up to gain something.

Sacrifices are made in families, in one’s personal life, spiritual life and social life. One can witness a sacrifice within a family where a parent could give up their momentary desires so that the entire family or a child will gain their own desires fulfilled.

Sacrifices are made when we elect to Fast before the LORD, Sow seeds into a ministry, for one’s individual personal needs, into a man or woman of God or supporting a God-honoring worthy cause.

Sacrifices produce positive or negative results in our lives depending on our motives and decisions. Knowing this, it is important for Higher Education students to understand the importance of sacrifice as it relates to their Academic Targeted Goals as well as their God-honoring personal targeted goals.

In order to Aim towards your intended targets of Academic and Personal Success What Sacrifices are you making?

As it relates to your.... Academic Sacrifices.

What are you giving up to make sure that your degree goals are attained?

Higher Education students have to sacrifice time from things they enjoy doing to gain the intended benefits from the targeted goal.

For example if a student enjoys sleeping all day long, the sacrifice for them to do well in school is giving up sleeping 15 hours a day in one setting to cutting it down to 8 hours a day.

Another example of Academic Sacrifice includes giving up the social settings with friends and associates at their local happy hour restaurant every day to minimizing it to once a week or once a month to maximize on study time.

Giving up time on social media in exchange for study time and rest.

Another academic sacrifice includes analyzing spending. Making the sacrifice to purchase a much needed textbook, computer, laptop or computer software over getting that brand new designer outfit and even temporarily shopping for items that fit within one’s new budget until graduation and their career target goal manifests.

Some academic sacrifices don’t always involve only the Higher Education student, sometimes families are affected and must make the sacrifice for the family member to obtain their Higher Education degree.

This comes in the form of children spending time with Grandparents or trusted family members while their parents or siblings are studying.

Not going out to eat so frequently due to finances and prioritizing.

Late nights at the library with the kids, siblings, spouse or family member in school.

Family members or friends driving Higher Education students to class because they are in need of transportation and safety for night classes.

Saying no to every family function and electing key family gatherings to attend due to one's study schedule and family life.

Family members picking up double duty as it relates to chores, food prep, running errands, baby sitting, watching family members, taking family members to appointments and paying bills because family members are in school.

And the list goes on and on.

As individuals make sacrifices there is a gain. There are negative gains when one sacrifices suitable study time for academic progress for something that will not enhance their goals.

For example if one makes the sacrifice to give up studying for a major test that week for a party with friends every day of the week leading up to a test, and the student is not familiar with the course subject then the gain is an "F" for the course or flunking out of school due to academic probation and not being in good academic standing.

It is important to analyze and reflect on the sacrifices that one must make in order to obtain their higher education degree.

Also while you reflect and organize the academic sacrifices to be made ask God to guide you and reveal to you the things you will need to give up for success during this temporary time. Also thank the LORD for the individuals in your life who are willing to assist you and help you during your academic sacrifices, because if you stick with it everyone will benefit who sowed into your academic journey.

Peace & God Bless,

Aiming Towards the Target,

Dr. Bryant

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