College Success Tip # 53 - Responding to Negative, Nasty Remarks from Professors & Peers
Sad to say, some individuals whether their peers or professors will clandestinely say things and do things to invoke responses from the High
College Success Tip # 51 - Wait!! Don't Throw it Away Yet.
As a college student, it is very important that you don’t rely on your professors to keep track of your grades. Although your professor is
College Success Tip # 50 - Illegal Academic Downloads
Illegal downloads cause many problems which include having to pay legal consequences for the offense and painfully going through issues that
College Success Tip # 49 - Teacher Conference
Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Philippians 2:3 At one point or time...
College Success Tip #47 - Handling Classroom Conflict
Conflicts arise when individuals express differing viewpoints on issues and sometimes a difference in opinion can become a battle zone due t
College Success Tip # 44 - Academic Sacrifices
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not...
College Success Tip #42 - School Supply Essentials
The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it. Proverbs 22:3 It is important for Higher Education...
College Success Tip #41 - Academic Journal Scams
Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way. Proverbs 19:2 An academic journal is a form...
College Success Tip #39 - Study Focus
And I sent messengers to them, saying, “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and...
College Success Tip #38 - Study Groups
Do not be deceived “bad company ruins good morals.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 Studying requires motivation, commitment, focus, dedication,...